Suojaudu huijauspuheluilta ja -viesteiltä 

Intrum ei koskaan pyydä sinua jakamaan henkilökohtaisia tietoja, kuten salasanoja, maksutietoja tai vahvistuskoodeja puhelimitse, sähköpostitse tai tekstiviestillä. Jos saat tällaisen pyynnön, älä vastaa. Suojautuaksesi huijauksilta, kirjaudu Oma Intrum -palveluun, jossa voit tarkistaa, onko sinulla avoimia maksuasioita kanssamme ja maksaa turvallisesti.  





Privacy policies

These Privacy Policies apply to Intrum Oy (1470246-8). Privacy Policies have been reviewed and updated 2023-01-16.

It is important for us that everyone understands what personal data we process about you, why we do it and what your rights are. Therefore, we urge you to read through this Privacy Policy, which will give you more information on the processing of your personal data by Intrum.

Privacy Policy for Customers

If you are a Customer you may find further information regarding our data processing in our Privacy Policy for Customers

Privacy Policy for Clients and Vendors

If you are a current or potential Client, vendor or have any other interaction with us where we access your personal data, you may find further information regarding our data processing in our Privacy Policy for Clients and Vendors

Privacy Policy for Job Applicants

If you are a job applicant you may find further information regarding our data processing in our Privacy Policy for Job Applicants.

What are privacy policies?

Privacy Policy sets out how we process your personal data when we control the processing for instance conducting debt collection activities and purchasing debt. For some of our services, we merely act as a data processor and process your personal data on our Client’s instructions e.g. when we provide invoice services (Sales Ledger Services). For information on how your personal data is processed in relation to these services, please contact your agreement party.  

Why does Intrum have several privacy policies?

We may process personal data about you in different ways and different situations, depending on if you are a Client, customer, vendor or a job applicant. We may also process personal data about visitors to our website(s), depending on how you chose to interact with us. Regardless of situation, we promise to never sell, commercialize or use your personal data in violation of applicable data protection laws.

Intrum is an international company, with many different establishments in different countries. The Intrum entity processing your personal data will be responsible for the protection of your personal data (the data controller). You find information about their processing activities in local language on their respective web.

Changes in privacy policies

We check the content of our privacy policies occasionally. We urge you to check the latest updated version of the policy regarding you on our privacy site.

Data breach

If you want to notify us of a personal data breach or send us a request regarding your data subject rights, please see link on this site.